MUST-READ New Adoption Book (Part II)

Hear the rest from Carol Bick, co-author of this must-have adoption book!

“Adoption has been a huge part of my life both personally and professionally. I facilitated adoption workshops while I was earning my BA in social work. I wrote my Master’s paper on the challenges adoptees face at the different stages of their lives. I worked with families involved in adoption in my role as a licensed school counselor and ran adoption support groups for students in elementary and middle school.

About seven years ago a co-worker was in the process of adopting a child from China. She sought me out to ask all sorts on questions and we continued our conversations after she brought her daughter home from China. We talked about how many people face similar situations and that we should write a book to help families being challenged by adoption issues.

Being a Caucasian parent to children of color who also happen to be adopted has been glorious but social interactions have sometimes been challenging. Many of the scenarios in this book come directly from personal experiences.

The goals on ‘What Do I Say Now? Answers for Awkward Questions and Comments about Adoption‘, are to engage, entertain and educate people and hopefully, help families navigate this amazing journey of adoption.”

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