November 13th Adoption Book of the Day – “Adoption is a Family Affair”

The Adoption Book of the Day for today is “Adoption is a Family Affair: What Friends and Relatives Must Know” by Patricia Irwin Johnston.


If you are considering adoption, buy this book as a gift for the important people in your life. It may save you some heartache in the future. This book was written for the parents of us adopters and for our siblings and close friends. It is a pretty good attempt at introducing adoption and the facts involved. It also echos that our loved ones should be supportive of our decisions regarding adoption.

One of my favorite lines is, “With you or without you, these children will arrive, and they are coming through adoption.” The book is a good fit for those pursuing baby adoption. There is a brief section on older child adoption (which I personally would re-title) called “Can Older or Disabled Children “Fit”? Nonetheless, it says some important things to our loved ones, such as, “What will be most important for you to understand, should your loved ones decide to adopt older children or children with medical, mental health, or learning problems, is the importance of your offering unconditional support rather than unsolicited advice.”

If you are interested in reading “Adoption is a Family Affair”, you can order it at Tapestry Books!