The November 19th Adoption Book of the Day – “The Post-Adoption Blues”

The Adoption Book of the Day for today is “The Post Adoption Blues: Overcoming the Unforeseen Challenges of Adoption” by Karen J. Foli and John R. Thompson!


While many reviews call this book depressing or a “downer”, Foli and Thompson’s ability to honestly explain and describe the issues that occur after adoption takes place. The book is structured as a list of expectations that adoptive parents have once adoption has occurred. This book not only accurately defines each expectation that is listed, but also helps explain that some of these expectations are not realistic and gives solutions to adoptive parents in how to cope with the stress and frustrations that result from these expectations. This book brings to light the very realistic emotions that many adoptive parents feel post-placement and assures that these feelings are not wrong.

This book is a essential resource for families in any part of the adoption process. This books provides necessary information for those who are experiencing challenges as a result of adoption.

If you are interested in reading “The Post-Adoption Blues: Overcoming the Unforeseen Challenges of Adoption”, you can order it at Tapestry Books!