Videos: Talking to Your child About Adoption ages 0-6 Years

These adoption videos follow a Parent Support Group as they prepare to talk to their children about adoption. Using children’s books to facilitate the process, adoptive parents explore the dual task of claiming their child as their own, and accepting that their child has birthparents.

We hope you find these videos featuring expert Joni Mantell, LCSW helpful. For books on how to talk to your children about adoption, please visit our category First Childrens Books and How to Talk to Children.

Like any Life Story

How Parents can Feel

Early Foundation for Communicating about Adoption.

“Like any Life Story we can’t give it to children to swallow whole… They are going to interpret their Adoption story through their present cognitive development, and what is going on in their lives.”

Reading children’s books with adoption related themes can provide a starting point for parent and child in developing a common adopton language.

How to talk with your child, what language to use needs to be thought about in what the terms mean to a child.

“Grow in tummy”

Mother for Choco

Over the Moon

Buy “Mother for Choco” or “Over the Moon”