
by Megan Montgomery This ethnically Hungarian dish is a childhood memory of mine. I have no clue why this particular meal has left such an imprint in my memory, considering that my family is not ethnically Hungarian, my mother (who is a fabulous cook by the way) made MANY diverse meals all of the time,

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Ethics and Adoption

by Megan Montgomery The evangelical Christian movement to adopt has been getting significant press lately with the recent release of the book by Kathryn Joyce, The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption. News article after news article discussing this book, might have you thinking that many people involved in international adoption

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Considering a Transracial Adoption?

by Terra Trevor Before adopting a child of a different ethnicity it is important to consider all that a child will experience growing up in a transracial family . . . You are waiting to adopt a child and your heart is soaring like an eagle. The moment you make the decision to adopt transracially,

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Chinese Adoption

Historical Context of China Adoption Adoption of children from China to the United States began in 1992 when the Chinese government passed a law ratifying International Adoption. In 2006 Americans adopted 6,493 children from China, the largest number of any country. China adoption is noteworthy for its orderly adoption process – all aspects of Chinese

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A Better Life

by Chris Winston A Meaningful Meeting On November 30, 2002, I was given the wonderful opportunity of meeting Gwang Moon Na in Mokpo, Korea. I had asked to meet a young man who had grown up in a Korean orphanage and was willing to share his story. Gwang Moon did so readily. Gwang Moon and

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