Tapestry Books would like to introduce a new expert for the Tapestry Books Expert Viewpoints page: Patricia Dischler. Ms. Dischler is renowned speaker, consultant, and author in the adoption world with topics including Open Adoption, Child Care, and the Adoption Triad.
One of her books, “Because I Loved You: A Birthmother’s View of Open Adoption” was groundbreaking in the world of adoption literature as it is one of the first books ever written to where the story of a birthmother is described with respect and love, instead of criticism and secrecy. This book acts as a memoir for Patricia Dischler and describes her experience and decision when she chooses to place her son Joe up for an open adoption in 1985. This book has become one of the main “go-to” resources for individuals interested in learning more about birthparents and open adoption.
In addition to her book, “Because I Loved You”, Patricia Dischler also has started and run her own family child care business, and now currently spends her time as a consultant and speaker on adoption topics.
To see Patricia Dischler’s Expert Viewpoint page, click here!
If you are interested in reading “Because I Loved You: A Birthmother’s View of Open Adoption”, you can order it at Tapestry Books!