November 12th Adoption Book of the Day – “The Whole Life Adoption Book”

The Adoption Book of the Day for today is the “The Whole Life Adoption Book: Realistic Advice for Building a Healthy Advocate Family” by Jayne E. Schooler and Thomas C. Atwood


A broad range of adoption topics are touched upon in this book including building a child’s emotional connection to his parents. The books points out the importance of “investing ourselves fully in the art of parenting” – a quote they actually took from Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman who himself has penned several books and articles on the topic of attachment and parenting. I have also written a book review on one of his books as well.

While this book initially looks like a typical Adoption 101 book especially in Part One, Part Two delves into some important topics, albeit not comprehensively but certainly introduces things to think about prior to adopting which is not always touched upon, such as adoption being a relationship of promise, ingredients necessary to be a healthy adoptive family, the importance of communicating about adoption and growing up as an adoptee.

If you are interested in reading “The Whole Life Adoption Book”, you can order it at Tapestry Books!