Tapestry Books Exclusive – Adoption Author Marita Malone!

“The traits of an adopted child come alive as the author tells the story of her struggle to overcome detachment and social isolation. In the memoir My Mother My Daughter the author creates a fictional character who reveals the heart and psychology of the author, as a young adopted girl, and stays with her until she is 59 years old, when she meets her birth families. The book is more than a search for her birth mother; it is a life-long journey of trying to shake the undefined weight on her chest and finding meaning in a world of not belonging.

The memoir has a wide appeal to not only more than 60,000 German adult war orphans who reside in the United States, but also to all adult adoptees who are still seeking answers, as well as marriage and family therapists and other psychology and sociology professionals and their students. Adoptive parents will have a rare insight into adoptive children’s thought processes and behaviors. Finally, the book has an international appeal, especially in Germany, a country that still suffers from the loss of their sons and daughters.

Nancy Verrier, MFT, author of The Primal Wound and Coming Home to Self, described the memoir as, “One of the most fascinating and insightful adoption stories I’ve read. The author captures the essence of the psychological and social issues in adoption in a most intriguing way . . . This book will appeal to not only everyone connected to adoption, but also those who enjoy a captivating adventure.”


Marita Malone, Ph.D. is a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent and presently an assistant professor. She has written a book and several articles on managing law enforcement change, professional ethics and other management topics. Her memoir, though, is about her life-long search after becoming an international adoptee.”

Order Marita’s memoir today by clicking here!