Noveber 9th Adoption Book of the Day – “Lucy’s Family Tree

The Adoption Book of the Day for today is “Lucy’s Family Tree” by Karen Halvorsen Schreck!


This children’s book tells the story of a young girl named Lucy, who is given an assignment from her teacher at school to start a family tree. Lucy’s classmates tease her about the assignment, saying that she can not make a family tree because she is different from her parents. When she gets home, Lucy looks at a picture of her family and feels that she does not belong. However, with the help of her parents, Lucy learns that the families of her classmates are all different. Lucy is soon able to create her own family tree that shows her class her unique family

This book addresses the issues many adopted children face when growing up and helps them understand that every family is different. In addition to helping children realize the common differences that every family has, this book also a great resource for helping teachers create inclusive projects for children of all family make-ups!

To read this amazing books, order it at Tapestry Books!